Which passengers fil your train?

And so it goes in your life’s train. Sometimes it repeatedly runs the same itinerary. Sometimes it’s diverted. Sometimes it changes route completely.

People get in and out of it all along the way. Some of them have been assigned a seat without your choice. You decide whether to see them or not, whether to seat right next to them forever, with your back turned to them or tens of rows ahead. Or even throw them out, cause after all it’s your train...

Some others enter mid-way through and sit in this 1 spot right next to you; they might have an unlimited pass or one-way ticket for a specific journey. They might stay for a little while or a whole lifetime. Others, enter abruptly and are meant to stay only for the short, sweet duration up to the next stop. They sit directly in the middle of your carriage but you know they will soon be gone.

Then there are the crowds who randomly get in at each stop and route. For some of them, you don’t even care if they ever boarded, while for others you are curious to know about their own journeys. Some of these will stay in the back seats. Maybe they chose so, maybe you placed them there, but anyway you are ok they are around. And, finally, there are those who will always find their way close to your seat, even if their own suitcases are heavy or they are in a rush. 🌙

Our lives are like trains, going in parallel or opposite directions. In the meantime, we hop on and off each other’s trains. Passenger seats get filled up or get emptied, because of choice, chance, or simply circumstances.No matter what, have your train seats reviewed. Cause nobody deserves them by default. They are earned, claimed, and reclaimed.

So from time to time, sit all by yourself, in the comfort and tranquility of your own thoughts, and decide how busy you want your train to be. Then, act upon it. Cause if you stay idle, wrong passengers might deteriorate your journey’s quality, while you also give up the opportunity of others joining and refilling it, in their own way.

When you want to be totally alone, there is the driver’s seat. Which is always in the front & it fits only one...cause there can only be one driver in this train; yourself. 


Dear Ai Wei Wei, 'Can I give you a hug?'